PeerDAS and Data Availability Sampling in Practice
Vitalik Buterin and Dankrad Feist of Ethereum, and Dmitriy Ryajov of Codex, join HIO for a discussion about the challenges and solutions in the realm of data availability and scalability in blockchain systems, particularly Ethereum.
They address the complexities of the issues, from Buterin's perspective on the long-term vision, to Ryajov and Feist's insights into the specific projects like Codex and the data sharding.
Having used a hammer before. This person behind you is trolling.
I am at their door. And they're like, what are you doing right now?
All right. Welcome, everybody, to another episode of hashing it out. Today we have three guests for you. We have Vitalik, Danker and Dimitri here to talk a little bit about specifically, a little bit about the history of sharding and Ethereum, as well as its evolution into current IPA 44 four as the first part of the journey to full sharding.
Sure. So sharding has been part of the Ethereum roadmap, almost since the beginning. so people who have, been around you know, like since 2050 and might remember the scalability paper and, the scalability blog posts, back in 2014, where, you know, we talked about things like the hub and spoke model and hyper cubes. and, I think, 2015 was, the time when, like we first really several understood that, execution and, data availability are the things that both have to be scaled and that there is some, like, separate concerns for the two, and, solution that, handle scalable, verifiable computing and doesn't automatically handle data.
Episode hosts - Demetrick Fergurson, Corey Petty, Jessie Santiago
Produced & edited by Christian Noguera